Thursday, May 15, 2014

Things I Learned My Freshman Year of College

I just finished my freshman year of college, and it was definitely a year of growth, learning, and changes.  From living on your own, doing your own laundry, and taking care of yourself when you get sick, to nights of studying, hanging out, or going out with your friends, freshman year is definitely a time to figure out what you are all about and what you like to do.  There are some specific things I learned these past nine months that I want to share with all of you.
  1. You have freedom to make your own choices:  I moved into my dorm three days early as part of the welcoming team to help people move in, and because of that, we had a ton of free time to do whatever.  I remember feeling like there was always somewhere I needed to be and it took a few weeks to realize that there was no one telling me where I had to be and when.
  2. Freedom will be taken away from you when you go home:  When I come home for breaks, nothing changes.  My curfew is still the same, and I always have to tell my parents where I am, where I am going, who I am with, and when I will be home.
  3.  Take Advantage of The City Around Your College Town: it's so fun to be able to be a part of a college town and experience the campus, but a huge benefit is going to school in the city, so take advantage of it and get out of your college town and explore the city nearest to you!
  4. If Possible, Don't Take Friday Classes-Or Schedule Them Late: One of the most fun parts of college is having the freedom to go out during the school week.  When you look back at your college experience, you won't remember the nights you stayed in and studied, but you will remember the nights that you went out and had a good time with your friends.
  5.  Get a Fake ID:  Honestly, you never know when you will need it and it's definitely worth the money.
  6.  Who You Were in High School Does Not Matter:  People in high school spend way too much time trying to fit in with the "in crowd", when in reality, none of that matters once you leave your high school for the last time and all of your classmates go separate ways.  You will make new, good friends who will stand by you through anything.
  7.  The Later It Gets, The Better Food Tastes:  This is a given, if you don't eat late at night, you're doing it wrong.
  8. Some Things Will Take Priority Over Other Things:  Eating and napping will become more important than say...showering.
  9. You Think You Know how to Operate a Microwave, but sometimes...: 
  10. You Will Get Stressed, It's ok. You Will Be Fine.

    College is what you make it, so wherever you are, make the most of it and have the best time because college is the time to make mistakes and have the time to learn from them.


  1. you are so smart.. number 9 and 8 are solo true!!! can't wait for more posts!!!

  2. Oh gosh! That list is amazing. I wish I had read it when I got to college a few years back. That way, I wouldn't have gone doing some of the crazy stuff I did, just like the one in number nine. Hahaha! Anyway, I love number three the most. The city or town around the university would have to be your best friend and you have to learn all its quirks because after all it's the space you're gonna being live in for the next four to five years of your life. Thanks for sharing!

    Valerie Casey @ Studemont Group
