Thursday, July 10, 2014

How You Know You Are Actually a Basic White Girl

The world is full of them, you know them, you may even hate some of them, but you might even be one. What even is a basic white girl?!

The first part of acknowledging that you are a basic white girl is accepting your addiction to Netflix. This happens when you realize just how much time you actually spend in bed on a weekly basis watching netflix.

A basic white girl uses terms like "I can't" or "literally can't even" and if you find yourself using these terms frequently, you might just be one.

She also visits Starbucks daily, and is literally "over it" when they spell her name wrong on her venti mocha frappucino.

Basic white girls are constantly quoting popular movies that everyone knows and loves like Mean Girls, Pitch Perfect, and maybe even a little bit of Disney's Frozen. These movies are classics, but if you haven't seen them you won't understand half of the things white girls are saying these days.

Pants are overrated, according to every basic white girl, because she stands firm in her belief that she can wear leggings for every occasion, every day of the year. Seriously with anything.

A basic white girls abbreviates more words than she says in full. This is mainly over text or email but is becoming more commonly used in actual conversation. Basic white girls are even bringing them inside the workplace.

Lastly, basic white girls are frequently tanning, whether this be in the tanning bed or basking in the hot sun over the summer. Basic white girls have that summer glow all year long.

If you find that many of these traits resonate with you, congrats because you are probably a basic white girl. These girls can be found at any university, and definitely at your neighborhood Starbucks. 


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