Friday, October 24, 2014

Find Some Happiness

Sometimes, as college freshman/sophomores/juniors/seniors, we feel like we're lost.  We feel like we do not have our shit together and our life is a mess.  Ever felt like this? Me too. I guarantee that we've all felt this way, so no, you're not alone.  Having felt like this a little bit recently, in my sophomore year of college, I've been thinking about this quite a bit.  Getting caught up in the druggery of college life, aka going out on Tuesday night, maybe Wednesday night (it happens sometimes), probably Thursday night, and definitely over the weekend will have you feeling tired and give you the feeling that you absolutely do not have your shit together.  I'm sure that more times than not, staying in bed and not going to class after a night of going out sounds better than anything, making that feeling worse.  These are the things I've realized as this feeling hit me, will help you feel like you actually DO have your shit together.

You do not need to go out all the time. yes, ha ha, joke's on me, because everyone else is going out and it's Tuesday.  There are always going to be times to go out, and if you have an exam the next day or important classes to attend and you don't want to feel like you got hit by a bus, trust me, Friday night will be exciting too, and then you can freely lay in your bed all day long on Saturday.

Find passion for something.  At times, probably after you've joined Greek life or met a ton of people, you want to socialize with them and hang out with them and go out with them all the time.  Great, you should, but what I'm saying is find something in College that you are passionate about that doesn't include drinking.  This should be something you love to do and have time to yourself while doing it.  For me, this is running (and occasionally laying in bed writing or making lists, because yes this is therapeutic for me).  For other people this can be things like yoga, writing, going to bible study, working out, finding a club to be involved in, leading an organization, volunteering, etc.  The list goes on and on, but finding something that interests you and that you love to be involved in is so important and will keep you grounded.

Be organized.  This is literally the biggest thing that you can do to feel like you have it all together.  If you have a planner that's great, but if you actually use it, you're golden.  Using a planner will definitely keep you organized, and being able to visualize and see the things you need to get done will help you SO much. One of the things I've started doing is making a list of all the things I need to get done for the week at the beginning of the week, with all of the due dates, and I figure out what days I can accomplish everything with my schedule.  This keeps things short and sweet so you don't forget to turn anything in.

Make lists. Lists literally help everything and anything and make you feel so much more organized when you can cross things off the list as you accomplish them.  I will put almost every single little thing I need to get done that day on my to do list, only because when you accomplish little things and can cross them off your list, it makes you feel good about yourself.

Do things that relax you.  In college, it's go, go, go.  Sometimes I feel like I never have any time to relax.  Things like waking up half an hour earlier or going to bed half an hour earlier will allow you to have more time to relax and more importantly, have time to yourself.  This honestly makes me personally feel like I have more control over my life, and I obviously have more time to be on Pinterest. 

There is always going to be stress in your life.  Whether it is small and unnoticed, or big and you're freaking out, it will always be there.  The best way to go about it is to find some things that make you happy, and well, obviously try to get your shit together.


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