Friday, October 24, 2014

Find Some Happiness

Sometimes, as college freshman/sophomores/juniors/seniors, we feel like we're lost.  We feel like we do not have our shit together and our life is a mess.  Ever felt like this? Me too. I guarantee that we've all felt this way, so no, you're not alone.  Having felt like this a little bit recently, in my sophomore year of college, I've been thinking about this quite a bit.  Getting caught up in the druggery of college life, aka going out on Tuesday night, maybe Wednesday night (it happens sometimes), probably Thursday night, and definitely over the weekend will have you feeling tired and give you the feeling that you absolutely do not have your shit together.  I'm sure that more times than not, staying in bed and not going to class after a night of going out sounds better than anything, making that feeling worse.  These are the things I've realized as this feeling hit me, will help you feel like you actually DO have your shit together.

You do not need to go out all the time. yes, ha ha, joke's on me, because everyone else is going out and it's Tuesday.  There are always going to be times to go out, and if you have an exam the next day or important classes to attend and you don't want to feel like you got hit by a bus, trust me, Friday night will be exciting too, and then you can freely lay in your bed all day long on Saturday.

Find passion for something.  At times, probably after you've joined Greek life or met a ton of people, you want to socialize with them and hang out with them and go out with them all the time.  Great, you should, but what I'm saying is find something in College that you are passionate about that doesn't include drinking.  This should be something you love to do and have time to yourself while doing it.  For me, this is running (and occasionally laying in bed writing or making lists, because yes this is therapeutic for me).  For other people this can be things like yoga, writing, going to bible study, working out, finding a club to be involved in, leading an organization, volunteering, etc.  The list goes on and on, but finding something that interests you and that you love to be involved in is so important and will keep you grounded.

Be organized.  This is literally the biggest thing that you can do to feel like you have it all together.  If you have a planner that's great, but if you actually use it, you're golden.  Using a planner will definitely keep you organized, and being able to visualize and see the things you need to get done will help you SO much. One of the things I've started doing is making a list of all the things I need to get done for the week at the beginning of the week, with all of the due dates, and I figure out what days I can accomplish everything with my schedule.  This keeps things short and sweet so you don't forget to turn anything in.

Make lists. Lists literally help everything and anything and make you feel so much more organized when you can cross things off the list as you accomplish them.  I will put almost every single little thing I need to get done that day on my to do list, only because when you accomplish little things and can cross them off your list, it makes you feel good about yourself.

Do things that relax you.  In college, it's go, go, go.  Sometimes I feel like I never have any time to relax.  Things like waking up half an hour earlier or going to bed half an hour earlier will allow you to have more time to relax and more importantly, have time to yourself.  This honestly makes me personally feel like I have more control over my life, and I obviously have more time to be on Pinterest. 

There is always going to be stress in your life.  Whether it is small and unnoticed, or big and you're freaking out, it will always be there.  The best way to go about it is to find some things that make you happy, and well, obviously try to get your shit together.


Saturday, July 12, 2014

The Power of Protein Pancakes!

Today, I will be sharing an awesome recipe with all of you that I hope will make you as excited as it made me!  Now, if many of you love pancakes, waffles, and sweets as much as I do, you will love this recipe.  For most of us, whether we are looking to slim down or are attempting to build more muscle mass, whey protein is something we are all familiar with.  Whey protein is just powdered protein that can be mixed with water or milk and be taken before or after a workout, or even as a meal replacement.  These pancakes are so tasty that they satisfy all of your sweet cravings, and for added sweetness, you can find Johnson's syrup at your nearest Whole Foods Grocery Store!

Protein pancakes can be made with any flavor of whey protein, but if you want the classic Pancake taste, Vanilla Whey Protein is the way to go.

What You Will Need:

1 Scoop Vanilla Whey Protein Powder (for thicker pancakes, increase amount of protein powder, can add another half scoop)
1/4 cup unsweetened Almond Milk
1 egg (if you own coconut flour, use 2tbsp of that, and only the egg white.  If no flour, just use whole egg)

Mix all of your ingredients in a bowl until you have the thickness of pancake mix and the protein powder is no longer chunky.  Cook like normal pancakes on a griddle!

Recipe is so easy, fast, and delicious.  Makes about 3-4 mid-sized pancakes.  Top with a little bit of butter and some sugar free syrup, and you have a guilt free snack!

Let me know how this recipe works out for you and I hope you enjoyed your protein pancakes!
More recipe's coming as I try them :)

- Lex


Thursday, July 10, 2014

How You Know You Are Actually a Basic White Girl

The world is full of them, you know them, you may even hate some of them, but you might even be one. What even is a basic white girl?!

The first part of acknowledging that you are a basic white girl is accepting your addiction to Netflix. This happens when you realize just how much time you actually spend in bed on a weekly basis watching netflix.

A basic white girl uses terms like "I can't" or "literally can't even" and if you find yourself using these terms frequently, you might just be one.

She also visits Starbucks daily, and is literally "over it" when they spell her name wrong on her venti mocha frappucino.

Basic white girls are constantly quoting popular movies that everyone knows and loves like Mean Girls, Pitch Perfect, and maybe even a little bit of Disney's Frozen. These movies are classics, but if you haven't seen them you won't understand half of the things white girls are saying these days.

Pants are overrated, according to every basic white girl, because she stands firm in her belief that she can wear leggings for every occasion, every day of the year. Seriously with anything.

A basic white girls abbreviates more words than she says in full. This is mainly over text or email but is becoming more commonly used in actual conversation. Basic white girls are even bringing them inside the workplace.

Lastly, basic white girls are frequently tanning, whether this be in the tanning bed or basking in the hot sun over the summer. Basic white girls have that summer glow all year long.

If you find that many of these traits resonate with you, congrats because you are probably a basic white girl. These girls can be found at any university, and definitely at your neighborhood Starbucks. 


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Ultimate College Packing List

With a new semester right around the corner for many of us, this is an exciting time of the year.  Whether you are a recent HS graduate or continuing with your second, third, or fourth year of college, this can be an exciting but stressful time.  I remember this time last year I was struggling to decide how I wanted to decorate my dorm room, what I wanted my colors to be (yes, I am OCD about matching), and most importantly, what I wanted to bring with me!  Having my freshman year under my belt, and receiving plenty of questions from my close friends about what they should bring for their freshman year, I would say I have a pretty good idea what you will need!

-Matress Cover
-Matress pad (I recommend memory foam, those college dorm beds can be pretty uncomfortable)
-Comforter/Duvet + Duvet Insert
-Two Pillows/Pillow Cases
-Body Pillow + Cover
-Two sets of sheets
-Risers (If needed)
-Throw Blanket
-iHome (Can also use as an alarm)
-Extra Lamp
-Small Trash Can

-Shower Caddy
-Toiletries --> (Aspirin, Advil PM, lint roller, brush, comb, makeup, q-tips, razor, nail clippers, band aids, floss, hair products, mouth wash, face wash, medicine, tweezers)
-Two Towels
-Towel Wrap
-Hair Towel (if you need it)
-Wash Cloths
-Flip Flops/ Shower Shoes-recommend Old Navy or Adidas
-Toilet Paper if not a communal bathroom

-Bulletin board for pinning important papers
-Dry erase calender for each month with important due dates
-Plenty of command hooks

-Laundry Basket/something non flimsy so you can carry it to the actual washer and dryer and when your clothes are folded it's handy
-Box of tide pods-those are much easier than dishing out the correct amount of detergent
-Dryer sheets to make your clothes smell amazing

School Related Items:
-School Supplies
-Umbrella, rain jacket, rain boots
-Laptop/Laptop case
-Backpack (trust me that's what you want)
-Plenty of index cards

Cleaning Supplies:
-Lysol Wipes
-Paper Towels
-Vaccuum for rug
 -Hand Sanitizer

-Tumbler cups to take to class
-Coffee pot/keurig
-Coffee Mugs
-A case of Natty Light
-Food to munch on when you come home from a night out

-Bins to keep extra clothes for off season
-Bins for extra shoes
-Shelves for top of desk for books and other items
-Plastic bins for food storage


Clothes (Main Items):
-Long Sleeve T shirts
-Rain Boots
-Riding Boots
-Baseball Hats
-SPIRIT WEAR DUH for your university
-Tennis shoes
-Dresses for formals
-Clothes you would wear out

-Student ID
-Room Key!
-Debit Card
-Insurance Card

For my freshman year, these were all things I needed and had with me in my dorm room. I hope you found this helpful for the coming months!
If there is anything I forgot, leave it in the comments below!


Thursday, June 12, 2014

Quest Bars! +Recipe

I cannot even begin to describe how much I have fallen in love with Quest Bars.  With 15 flavors, they offer so much variety for many different taste buds.  The first time I tried a Quest Bar was this past school year on campus, and since then, I have been #OnAQuest!  They have definitely become a recent obsession! 

Quest Bars are packed with 20 grams of protein, are low-carb, and only contain 1 gram of sugar.  This is amazing for anyone who is trying to gain protein, cut sugar, or even eat low-carb.  Some of my favorite flavors include cinnamon roll, chocolate chip cookie dough, and cookies and cream.  What I love about them is how versatile they are.  I can eat one before I go to the gym for some added protein and energy, I can eat one after the gym as a post workout, or I can have one as a snack (for recipe's, check out Quest Nutrition).  Quest Bars sell at places like Dick's Sporting goods, GNC, and The Vitamin Shoppe for about three dollars a piece, but are more than worth the money.

Of course Quest bars taste wonderful right out of the wrapper, but it's always fun to mix it up and try different recipes!  In upcoming blog posts, I will be trying out and showing you guys several different Quest Bar recipes that are all delicious and so easy to make!

Recipe: Quest Bar Cookies

What you'll Need:

  • Your Favorite flavor Quest Bar
  • Baking sheet
  • Parchment Paper
You can literally use any flavored Quest Bar that sparks your taste buds.  The one that I think tastes the most like an actual flavored cookie would have to be the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough.

The Process:

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.  Place your parchment paper on your baking sheet.  Begin by taking your quest bar out of its wrapper, and putting it on your baking sheet.  Then, split your Quest Bar into as many pieces as cookies you would like, and flatten them out.  When they're cooking, they will expand a little, but not as much as most cookies.  They will puff up more than they will expand. After flattening your bar, set them apart on the baking sheet, and put them in the oven.  Set a timer for about 8 minutes.  If you want softer cookies, set it for about 7, but if you want them to be golden brown, 8 minutes is the way to go.  When they're done, you will notice that they are crispy around the edges, and soft on the inside.  This is the perfect snack that tastes like an actual cookie, but is a #cheatclean.

Enjoy your cookies!

Look out for more recipes coming soon!


Wednesday, June 11, 2014


I've always struggled with commitment.  When I say commitment, most people immediately think of relationships, but for me that isn't the case!  In this case, it is completely different.

I've always struggled with feeling comfortable in my own skin.  I've always felt, like many other people, that there were SO many things about my body that could be improved upon.  Many times I've "committed" to some kind of diet or cleanse that I expected to see fast results with.  Every time I've made this choice, my head has never been fully in it.  I would feel like I wanted it so badly, but as soon as someone offered me a cookie, I would decide that I wanted that more.  This has been a consistent cycle in my life for the last few years.  Especially in high school, I always felt like I needed to be watching what I ate, working out, and making sure that I was committed to taking care of my body, but I was NEVER serious about it.  I let myself "cheat" more than once a day, comforting myself when I felt guilty about cheating by telling myself that I obviously didn't want to deprive my body.  Every time I decide to try some new diet, it lasts for about three days on average, and then I cheat a few times and give up.

In High School I never felt as comfortable as I knew I should, and every time I failed at one of my quick fix diets, I felt worse about myself.  Going into my sophomore year of college, I plan to make an actual difference in my body this time. It's time to be serious about working hard for what I want, which is to lose the weight that I have let accumulate for so long, even if it's just a little bit.  Everyone has to start somewhere, and this is my somewhere.  This time, I am committing.

P.S. Obviously with this change will come recipes and different workout tips, so stay on the look out for those!


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Waking Up For an (Early) Workout

In honor of today being National Running Day, I thought, what better way to honor this day than with a post about one of my favorite hobbies!
Running is something that I became interested in a few years ago when I was a Junior in high school.  At this point, like any beginner, I could barely run half a mile without stopping/walking.  Nowadays, I can do a heck of a lot more than that, and feel so proud of how far I have come.
Finding time in our busy lives to workout can sometimes be kind of (a huge) struggle.  Especially in high school/college/early twenties when you are learning how to balance work, school, internships, clubs, and other activities you decide to immerse yourself in as a young adult.  When I was in high school, even though my school began at 7:45 in the morning, my crazy self decided to start going to the gym in the morning!  Now, this was in the middle of cheer season, when practices and games were in full swing, so on a typical day I wouldn't be home right after school.  Despite this, somehow I still got my butt up every morning (almost) at 5 AM and was at the gym busting out a workout.  This was hard at first, but I ended up feeling better by the end of every day because I had worked out that morning.  Now, some might wonder how I did this, and that is exactly what I'm going to share with you guys today. How exactly do you get up THAT early?

  1. Go to Bed relatively Early that way waking up won't be hard in the first place because you will be fully rested and ready for the day!
  2. Set your Alarm! This is essential, because obviously if you don't you won't wake up in time to get in that early morning workout!  Set it as one of your favorite songs that pumps you up! I always set mine as 'Wet' by Nicole Scherzinger because it automatically wakes me up!
  3. Set out the clothes you plan to wear (Or sleep in them).  Whatever will get you out of bed, up and moving in the morning, should be your plan so that you get up quicker and with ease.
  4. Prepare your bag the night before!  If your armband, headphones, towel, and water are all in one place, it makes it easier to get up and out the door.  Maybe even bring your favorite granola bar for afterwards!
  5. Make a playlist that excites you and energizes you.  If you already have your favorite playlist, it never hurts to update it with a few new songs so you never get tired of hearing the same things all the time.  Some of my favorite songs to run to are 'Classic' by MKTO, 'Wet' as i mentioned above, and 'Somebody Gon' Get It' by Timeflies Featuring T-Pain.
  6. Put it in your calender/agenda/phone/make it a date! For me at least, I am 10X more likely to do something if I write it down or make it a date with myself that I cannot miss!
  7. Last but not least, Stick to what you love!  Don't go to the gym and run 3 miles if you absolutely hate running.  If you love the stair machine or the bike, stick to those, but always remember to change it up to keep your muscles guessing!

    If you have any other suggestions, feel free to write them in the comments below! 
    Check me out on Pinterest: Alexa Dauphin 
    Thanks so much for reading!